Limahul'i Gardens terraced taro. These terraced gardens are around 1000 years old and were built by the first Polynesian settlers to the island of Kaua'i. The settlers created a civilization in the Limahul'i Valley and the Kalalau Valley. (January 2025)
Lumaha'i Beach (Chloe, January 2025)
Parker's Jeep glory (Taylor, Ben, Robin, Chloe, January 2025)
Kauai lifestyle in Kilauea (Chloe, January 2025)
The most spirited officiant we have met (Ben, Robin, January 2025)
Along the trail on the way out (January 2025)
Morning exit from Kalalau Beach before seeing a boar and getting snorted at (January 2025)
Looking up at Ka'a'Alahina Ridge on my way down to Kakalau Valley (January 2025)
Breaching whales, shooting stars, and a stellar sunset at Kalalau Camp (January 2025)
Kalalau Beach (January 2025)
In the jungle on the way to the Kalalau Valley (January 2025)
All packed up along the trail about 9 miles in (January 2025)
11.3lbs Kalalau backpacking gear (January 2025)
Barefooted families on New Years Eve at Hanalei Bay (December 2024)